What Does Personalisation of Your Event App Mean?

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Mobile event apps have become indispensable tools for event organisers, attendees and exhibitors.

Mobile event app, event app, personalised event app

Of course we would say that, but these apps facilitate smooth event management and enhance the overall experience for your event participants.

One of the key factors driving this enhancement is personalisation, but beyond the merge fields, SMS alerts and custom scheduling, what does personalisation of your event app really mean?

When an event app is customised to meet the unique preferences and needs of attendees, it not only makes them feel valued but also significantly boosts their engagement and satisfaction. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of personalisation in event apps, strategies for effective customisation, and the myriad benefits for attendees.

What is Mobile Event App Personalisation?

Personalisation in event apps is about crafting a tailored experience for each attendee based on their unique preferences, interests, and behaviours.

This involves creating a custom interface that aligns with individual needs, such as personalised schedules, session recommendations, and networking opportunities but you can extend this to lunch recommendations based on their interests too.

By leveraging data points like registration details, past event history, and social media activity, the app can provide a customised feed of information upon login, enhancing engagement.

Imagine if your attendee, upon arrival, received a push notification about exactly the sessions of interest to them, with a map showing the route from their current location to the session room.

Wouldn’t that be an impressive way to make them feel welcome and valued? Personalisation also involves delivering relevant content, including speaker information, exhibitor details, and event news, based on individual interests. This not only helps attendees navigate the event more efficiently but also ensures they don’t miss out on valuable information.

Why is Personalisation important for your Event App?

Personalisation not only adds a personalised touch to the event experience but also significantly impacts engagement levels. When attendees feel that the app is designed specifically for them, they are more likely to interact with it and utilise its features as opposed to simply logging in, receiving their badge QR code, collecting their badge then immediately deleting the app.

This boost in personalisation leads to increased engagement with the event itself and higher satisfaction levels. Attendees are more likely to return for future events and even share their positive experience with others, resulting in better overall event success and a boost to Net Promoter Scores.

Key Areas for Customisation in Event Apps

  1. User Profiles:

Creating detailed user profiles is the first step towards effective personalisation. Event apps can gather information such as attendee interests, professional background, and preferences. This data can then be used to tailor content and recommendations, making each attendee’s experience unique.

2. Agenda Building:

Allowing attendees to create personalised schedules is a game-changer. Personalised agendas help attendees manage their time efficiently and ensure they don’t miss out on sessions that are most relevant to them. This level of customisation enhances engagement and ensures attendees get the most out of the event.

3. Content Recommendations:

By analysing attendee interests and behaviours, event apps can suggest relevant sessions, workshops, and activities. This not only increases participation but also makes attendees feel understood and valued.

4. Interactive Features:

Customising interactive elements like polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions can significantly boost engagement. Tailored interactive content keeps attendees involved and makes them feel like active participants rather than passive observers.

5. Networking Opportunities:

Personalised matchmaking for networking sessions can help attendees connect with individuals who share similar interests and goals. This targeted networking is far more effective than random interactions, leading to more meaningful connections.

Event Mobile, Mobile App, Customisable Mobile App

Strategies for Effective Customisation

  1. Data Collection and Analysis:

Gathering attendee data before and during the event is crucial for personalisation. This can be done through registration forms, pre-event surveys, and in-app behaviour tracking. Analysing this data helps organisers understand attendee preferences and tailor the event accordingly.

2. Integration with Other Platforms:

Integrating the event app with social media and other platforms enables seamless data flow, enriching the personalisation process. For example, linking an attendee’s LinkedIn profile to the event app can provide valuable insights into their professional interests and connections.

3. Real-Time Personalisation:

Implementing real-time updates based on attendee behaviour and feedback can significantly enhance the event experience. For instance, if an attendee shows interest in a particular topic, the app can push notifications about related sessions or networking opportunities.

4. Feedback Mechanisms:

Continuous improvement is key to successful personalisation. Using feedback forms and post-event surveys allows organisers to gather insights and fine-tune their strategies for future events. Attendee feedback is invaluable in understanding what worked and what needs adjustment.

Event App, Mobile App, Customisable App

Benefits of Personalisation for Attendees

  1. Enhanced Engagement:

Personalised content keeps attendees more engaged and active. When attendees receive recommendations and notifications tailored to their interests, they are more likely to participate in sessions and activities, leading to a richer event experience.

2. Improved Satisfaction:

There’s a direct correlation between personalisation and higher attendee satisfaction. When attendees feel that the event is designed with their preferences in mind, their overall experience improves. Testimonials and case studies often highlight the positive impact of personalised event experiences.

3. Better Networking:

Personalised networking features facilitate meaningful connections. By matching attendees based on shared interests and goals, event apps can help attendees build valuable professional relationships. Success stories of networking facilitated by customised event apps are a testament to this benefit.

4. Higher ROI for Event Organisers:

Satisfied attendees are more likely to return for future events and recommend the event to others. This leads to higher attendance rates, increased sponsorship opportunities, and a better return on investment for event organisers. Personalised experiences can thus contribute significantly to the long-term success of an event.

Event App, Mobile App, Customisable App


In conclusion, the power of personalisation in event apps cannot be overstated. By customising event apps to meet the unique needs of attendees, organisers can enhance engagement, improve satisfaction, facilitate better networking, and ultimately achieve higher ROI. Investing in personalised event app experiences is a smart strategy that pays dividends in the form of happier, more engaged attendees. As the event landscape continues to evolve, embracing customisation will be key to staying ahead of the curve and delivering exceptional experiences. So, take the plunge and start personalising your event app today—your attendees will thank you for it!

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