Boost Event Registration with these 5 Key Considerations

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Event registration forms are a crucial touchpoint in the attendee journey.

Registration Form, Customisable Reg

A well-designed form can significantly boost conversions, while a poorly designed or thought out one can deter potential attendees.

We have built hundreds of event registration forms over the years here at CrowdComms, so we asked our account management team for the top tips they share with their clients, to help them maximise event registration and conversion, ultimately delivering a better, more seamless attendee experience.

  1. Prioritise User Experience

User experience should be at the forefront of your event registration design. A form that’s intuitive and easy to navigate encourages completions. Start by minimising the number of fields to only what’s necessary – do you need to know your attendees’ gender? If not, remove the question.

A cluttered form can overwhelm users, leading to abandonment.

Tip: Use progress bars for multi-step forms to give users a sense of advancement and clarity about the remaining steps. This psychological encouragement helps keep users engaged.

  1. Keep Registration Forms Simple

Simplicity is key to capturing potential attendees. Complex forms with excessive options or what could be confusion language to some, can dissuade potential attendees from completing the process.

Aim for straightforward language and clear instructions.

Example: Instead of “Submit Your Registration Information,” use “Register Now.” This kind of direct language helps users understand actions quickly.

  1. Ensure Event Forms are Optimised for Mobile

With a growing number of users registering via their smartphones, mobile friendliness is no longer optional, it’s a standard. Responsive design ensures your form looks great on any device, from desktops to tablets to phones – just make sure you test it. Those lovely graphics you spent time on in Cavna will be worthless if they’re not designed for both mobile and desktop viewing!

Practical Tip: Test your form on multiple devices and browsers. Make sure that input fields are easy to fill on smaller screens, and buttons are large enough to tap without difficulty.

Registration Form, Customisable Reg Forms

  1. Create a Clear Call-to-Action

A compelling call-to-action (CTA) is essential. It should be prominently displayed and easily understood. A well-designed CTA guides the user on what to do next, reducing friction in the conversion process.

Example: Use action-oriented phrases like “Join the Event,” “Save Your Spot,” or “Get Tickets” instead of generic “Submit” buttons. This specificity can make a significant impact on your conversion rates as it plays into the user’s sense of urgency and excitement.

  1. Focus on Data Security

In an era of increasing data breaches, attendees need assurance that their information is secure. Clearly communicate how you protect user data as well as how you use their event data is important.

Practical Tip: Display trust signals such as SSL certificates and privacy policies. Reassure your users that their information is safe, which can ease concerns and encourage registrations.

  1. Integrate Word of Mouth Marketing to Promote your Event

Word of Mouth marketing is an effective way to spread the word about your event and increase registrations. Encourage attendees to share their registration on social media platforms or through email which can be simply automated with platforms such as Gleanin or SnoBall.

Tip: Offer incentives for sharing, such as a discount or exclusive access, to encourage more WOM marketing.

Watch our recent Event Advice video titled ‘Registration Forms – What should you include?’ for a more in-depth discussion about event registration forms and key considerations for maximising registrations.

In conclusion, by prioritising user experience, keeping forms simple, optimising for mobile, creating a clear call-to-action, focusing on data security, and incorporating word-of-mouth marketing strategies, you can significantly boost event registration numbers.

Don’t forget to continuously monitor and improve your processes through research and staying up to date on industry developments by tuning into events like our Spotlight Sessions which are free for the events industry.

With these key considerations in mind, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a seamless attendee experience and maximising event success.

If you would like to talk about CrowdComms event registration solution and how we can help your conference, event or exhibition, please contact us.

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