7 Step Approach to Customer Service at CrowdComms 

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Welcome back to Event Advice! Our latest interview with Will and Matt dives deep into our seven-step approach that has transformed how CrowdComms engages with clients.  

This discussion will help you consider what it means to us to truly support our customers, with insights into the vital role of empathy, the importance of effective communication, and the benefits of personalised solutions.  

We believe that customer service is not just about fixing problems but also about building strong relationships and continuously improving our clients’ overall event experience. 

Through our approach, we have seen a significant increase in client satisfaction (70 NPS) and retention (96% of customers), as well as positive word-of-mouth referrals (regular 5 star reviews!).  

But our journey does not end here – we remain humble and open to feedback from our clients to constantly improve and evolve our approach, our interaction and our event technology solution.  

Watch the interview in full here: 

We recently shared our 7 step approach to customers service on BizBash, CrowdComms and have received a lot of positive feedback, so we are excited to share this approach with even more event professionals.  Read full article here: BizBashCrowdCommsArticle 

Stay tuned for more tips, insights, and advice on event planning and management from Event Advice by CrowdComms! And feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to chat about how we can assist with your next event.  

Our team is always happy to help! Contact us!

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