Knowledge Hub

Module View Analytic Reporting for Hidden Modules

Hidden Module Reporting

For some application builds it maybe necessary that a module or modules are hidden from display on the Front End app to some users or groups based on the security and visibility settings of the module. This will mean there is no direct way to navigate to those modules via the the left sidebar. 

Despite the modules not being selectable from the navigation side bar they are still on the application and can be navigated to by various means. How they are navigated too will often impact on whether those visits are then counted as “Module Views” for reporting purposes by the Analytics Dashboard.

Please find listed below some scenario’s for hidden modules and whether that scenario will still count the user towards the modules view total.


ScenarioCounted as a Module View
The hidden module is accessed via a visible Direct Link moduleYes
The hidden module is accessed via a visible Info Page moduleYes
The module Privacy is set to only a limited number of users/groups making it hidden to other users/groupsYes
The hidden module is accessed via the “website” button within a Company Profile on a visible Company Display moduleNo
The hidden module URL is used by a signed in user who is not a authorised user as per the module Privacy settingNo


Updated on June 28, 2024
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