Knowledge Hub

5.13 Calendly Integration

This integration allows you to streamline your scheduling with Calendly, providing a seamless experience for users who want to book appointments with your Company Reps directly using their Calendly availability in the Event App.

To utilise the Calendly Integration for your event please speak to your Account Manager about getting this set-up.

Prerequisites #

Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • A Calendly account (Sign up at Calendly).
  • Calendly Admin Access: Ensure you have admin or equivalent privileges in the platform you’re integrating Calendly with.
  • API Access: To integrate Calendly, you’ll need access to Calendly’s API to interact with Webhook details.

Please Note: Round Robin & Single User configurations in Calendly are supported only.

CMS Configuration Guide #

To set up Calendly you will need to navigate to your event app in the CMS and in the left hand menu select the Integrations tab then navigate to Calendly. From here you will need to enter the url for your Calendly event, this can easily be found on your Calendly account under ‘Events Types’.

Once you have entered the url, hit submit and your webhook secret key and webhook url will be populated. You’ll need to use these to set up a webhook subscription in Calendly using their API to listen for meeting bookings and cancellations.

Developer Information #

Calendly webhook subscriptions

All requests need the following header:

  • Authorization: Bearer <personal access token>
  1. Getting the org ID for the rest of the webhooks


Stripped response for the org uri:


  “resource”: {

    “current_organization”: “<org uri>”



  1. Getting group IDs

GET<org uri>&count=100

Stripped response for the group uris:


  “collection”: [


      “name”: “My Group”,

      “uri”: “<group uri>”




  1. Creating a webhook subscription




  “url”: “<target URL>”,

  “events”: [




  “organization”: “<org uri>”,

  “scope”: “group”,

  “group”: “<group uri>”,

  “signing_key”: “<unique ID shared by CrowdComms for validating the response payload>”


Stripped response for the subscription uri:


  “resource”: {

    “uri”: “<subscription uri>”



  1. Optional steps for deleting the subscription, if untracked
    1. Listing the group’s webhook subscriptions

GET<org uri>&group=<group uri>

Stripped response for the subscription uris:


  “collection”: [


      “callback_url”: “<target URL>”,

      “uri”: “<subscription uri>”




  1. Deleting the group webhook subscription

DELETE <subscription uri>

Considerations #

  • All events for the group will be sent to the webhook. If you want to filter by the specific Round Robin event and have an automation engine, either internal, or via tools like Zapier/n8n, you can
    • Set that as the target URL of the webhook subscriptionFilter by payload->scheduled_event->name
    • Send the payload to our target URL, with the calendly-webhook-signature header
  • Meeting types supported via Calendly & CrowdComms: Zoom, In Person, Custom & Phone Number.
  • Meetings will be created using an embedded Calendly widget
  • The webhooks for an event return their cancel/reschedule URL, so we can direct users from our platform, to Calendly to edit/cancel
  • A reschedule is a cancel, then create from Calendly’s perspective, so all events can be handled by the 2 specified webhook events, invitee.created and invitee.canceled
  • Webhooks from Calendly will create/delete the scheduled item within a user’s CrowdComms personal schedule
Updated on March 12, 2025
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