Knowledge Hub

4.23 Using the CrowdComms Dashboard

The CrowdComms dashboard is a self service content management system (CMS) that enables you to upload and make edits to content, send alerts and manage engagement functionality all in real time.  

The Dashboard menu consists of Settings, Builder, Libraries, Alerts, Analytics, Native and Triggers.

Settings #

In the Settings section is where you’ll find all the tools you need to configure the core parts of your app. In this section you can design the look and feel of your app, toggle features for your attendees, setup security, and add banner advertising if you wish.


Builder #

The Builder section lets you setup the actual modules your attendees will use during the event. This is where most of the action happens in terms of delivering the event app experience. We have a complete guide to all the modules on offer which goes into much more detail.


Libraries #

Libraries allow you to manage all the content for your app in one convenient place. Housed in this section you’ll find all your attendees, documents, exhibitors, surveys, Q&A sessions etc. Use the Libraries section as a centralized place to control your content, which you can then link to various modules in the Builder section to allow your attendees to interact with it.


Alerts #

The Alerts tab is where you will manage your real-time notifications sent out to your attendees. This includes emails, in-app notifications and native notifications. See our Alerts section for more details.


Analytics #

Get a picture of how your attendees are using the app via the Analytics portal. Here you can view realtime metrics about all aspects of your event app, and download reports for post event analysis.


Triggers #

Triggers can be used to award points to a user for answering a poll or survey or uploading a profile picture or send them directly to another area of the app.


Updated on June 27, 2024
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