Knowledge Hub

4.20 Time Zones

The only part of the app which are affected by users being in a different timezone to the one which is set in the app settings are the App Alerts / Notifications and the On Now icon which appears under “live” agenda sessions.

Any app alerts which are pre-scheduled in the dashboard will be sent out at the time / date they are pre-scheduled for in the selected app time zone. If the time zone is changed after an alert is pre-scheduled, it will still go out at the date / time that it was pre-scheduled to in the time zone when the alert was first created.

The on-now icon / badge which appears under sessions appears when the session is between the start and end date / times within the timezone of the app. It is possible to hide this badge from within one specific agenda within an app, or for all agendas which in an app.


You can now display the Agenda Sessions time on your app based on the event time zone. Imagine that you’re running your event in London, with delegates attending from all around the globe. You want your Event App to show sessions in the event’s time zone rather than the local time of each attendee, and by keeping a consistent time zone, delegates can arrange meetings without confusion. This feature allows for a clear understanding of when the meeting is scheduled to occur, regardless of the physical location of the attendee’s device when the meeting was initially arranged.
Upon release, this feature will be active by default. A new switch will appear on the event platform, enabling delegates to switch between the Event App’s time zone or the time zone of their device.

As the event organiser, you have the option to change the default view for your user. Simply log in to your CMS Dashboard to change the default for your Event App.

Event Organiser CMS Setup to Change the Default Time Zone #

1.    To change the default time zone, you will need to log in to your CrowdComms Content Management System (CMS) Dashboard and input your details.
2.    Upon successful login, select the relevant Event App, then navigate to Settings -> App Details, and scroll to the Localisation section.

3.    On the Default Time Zone, you can either select:

a)    Local time zone – If chosen as the default, your delegates will see their agenda sessions in their device’s time zone.
b)    Event time zone – If chosen as the default, your delegates will see their agenda session in the event’s time zone.

Delegate’s Event Platform Time Zone Setting #

1.    Event App users can now view the session’s time, either in the event’s time or their device’s time. 

2.    Upon logging in to the Event platform, navigate to the Agenda/Programme/Schedule for the event from the left-hand menu on the App.

3.    If the user and/or his device’s time is currently in a different time zone to the event, they can change the time zone. 

4.    At the top of the Agenda/Programme/Schedule lists, users will see a toggle with the ‘My time zone’ options or ‘Event time zone’ options.

5.    If the user picks: 

a.    My time zone – They will see their agenda sessions in their device’s time zone.
b.    Event time zone – They will see their agenda session in the event’s time zone.

6.    If Event time zone is selected, all the Agenda/Programme/Schedule times will be updated to show the times based on the location of the event. For example, if the event is in Berlin and the event organiser has arranged for a lunch to take place at 13:00, the app will show the time as 13:00 and the time zone of the event location, GMT+1.

7.    Furthermore, when the user goes into the session page, they will see the session date and time, as well as the time zone , and when they hover over the time zone, a note will appear stating the time zone the session time appears in.

8.    If ‘My time zone’ is selected, the users will see the Agenda/Programme/Schedule times converted into their device’s time. This means, if the event is in Berlin and the event organiser has arranged for a lunch to take place at 13:00, and the user is in London, the app will show the time as 12:00 and the time zone of the user, GMT.

9.    When the user goes into the session page, they will see the session date and time, as well as the time zone. When they hover over the time zone, a note will appear stating the time zone the session time appears in.

10.    The time zone options will also appear in ‘My Event Schedule’, which is situated on the right-hand menu.

Updated on June 27, 2024
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