Knowledge Hub

16.8 Elavon US

We will need the following details from your Elavon US account:

  • Merchant Account ID
  • Merchant User ID
  • Pin
  • Mode (Sandbox or Live)


Beyond adding your “Merchant Account ID”, “Merchant User ID”, “Pin” and selecting your mode (Sandbox = Demo, Live = Production), you will also need to configure your account.

To do so, connect to your Converge UI/Portal via the following URLs:

Once connected, via the left-hand side menu, go to “Settings” and select “System Setup”.

Scroll down to the bottom of the “System Setup” page, until you reach “Export options”.

Lastly, be sure to follow these 3 steps:

  1. Check the “enable export script” box
  2. Copy/paste the following URL,, three times for displayed field (“Approval URL” / “Declined URL” and “Error URL”).
  3. Save your changes.
Updated on June 28, 2024
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